
【外国人向け和食講座イベントのご案内】【For foreigners Japanese cuisine cooking class in Harajuku】


文化の架け橋にとの想いから立ち上げたPont D’or(ポンドール)の事業ですが、この度外国人向けにも講座イベントを開催することにしました。


  • 和食講座
  • 包丁さばき講座
  • お弁当講座
  • 日本酒・居酒屋講座





wrapped roll sushi

【For foreigners Japanese cuisine cooking class in Harajuku】

Pont D’or launched to tell culture of ethnic bridge cultural , we’re planning to the  course events for foreigners.

As Japanese people are going to know the culture of ethnic cuisine, and we believe that if accustomed to the opportunity to know the Japanese culture through Japanese also towards foreigners.

Japanese cuisine cooking class
Learning knife cuts class
Obento(Japanese lunch boxes) course
Sake with Japanese snack cooking  course
Japan’s traditional craft of lunch boxes and chopsticks, or our know together the snack, or our know that rice through sake,

Also Japanese to be or try to fish in three pieces wholesale with a kitchen knife is a food culture that boasts the indispensable world to Japanese culture.

More people in Japan of depth through the Japanese, delicacy, we think if you could know the fine is.

for details